Did you know that Betty is not only a actress, but she is a writer. She has written three books which I plan to read and give
you my report of how I thought the book were, and what the books are about. If you have read one or all of
Betty's Books please email me your review by going to the 'Contact Me' page. Unfortunately, All of Betty's books
are out-of-print. The way I have found the books that I have read and own are below. 1) Go to Harvest Books (Link
below) the out-of-print book finder, to find used copies of Betty's books. This company was recommended to me by Border's
Books, after they failed to find Betty's books. 2) Go to your local library. I went to mine and found two of Betty's
books. This is your best bet! 3) Go to Ebay and search under 'Betty White' and look for her books...Some people on
Ebay sell their Betty books for like five dollars! Talk about cheap! **Questions? Email below**
Harvest BookSearch
***UPDATE- Betty is working on her fifth book, that will be about the Los Angeles Zoo, which she is commissioner. A publication
date has not been set, but when it is, It will be posted on this page***
